Thought and notes, mostly on programming by me, Gustaf Holm.
Useful GNU Readline Settings
I thought I would share some of the settings found in my .inputrc GNU Readline configuration file. As you’ve already ended up on this page you probably already know what GNU Readline is, but for those who don’t, here’s the one-sentence explanation:
Common Way of Resizing Windows/Panes in Vim and Tmux
It’s not often, but once in a while I want to resize a window in Vim or a pane in Tmux. And every time 😒, I’m thinking that I should rebind some keys to make the two programs more similar.
Reduce, Filter and Map without Reduce Filter and Map
Write your own Reduce, Filter and Map without using the built in reduce(), filter() and map(). A good way to understand what’s going on inside the functional programming must-know-functions is to rewrite them.